Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Food by John Catalano

Reused some old art for this one, but the hot dog is new and really wanted to focus on my lettering and graphic design on this one to create an advertisement for a fictional establishment/product.

Food by Ryan Gilleece


Saturday, June 15, 2013

Giant Robots by Devon Williams

Giant Robots by Ryan Gilleece

Giant Robots by John Catalano

I remember hearing in interviews with Guillermo del Toro for Pacific Rim that the feeling he wanted to capture for every shot of the movie was one similar to the painting of The Colossus by Francisco Goya. That was something I thought would be fun and interesting to try out on this and get the reactions of the crowd below looking up at this massive giant robot.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Superman by John Catalano

I wanted to experiment more with a kind of realistic, yet graphic Jae Lee/Andrea Sorrentino style on this one. Pretty happy with the results, and I found I can work semi-fast in this style. Referenced myself on this one - if you can't tell.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Welcome everyone to The Sketch Pad: a weekly sketch blog brought to you by myself, John Catalano, and several other talented artists. The goal here is just for us to have fun and draw and think outside the box a little with subjects maybe we don't get the chance to draw every day. Each week will be a new theme, chosen by one of our contributors, and it's up to each artist to draw something relating to that theme. These drawings can be anything from simple pencil sketches to full-process illustrations. Experimentation is always encouraged, as we welcome all manner of styles and artistic mediums.

Please feel free to drop by and check out everyone's work on a weekly basis. We'll be fully up and running by Sunday, June 2nd, but in the meantime please check out our list of talented contributors and their websites.

If you are interested in joining and participating, please feel free to email me at, and we'll see what we can do to accommodate you.